Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Great ADVENTure: day 9 & 10

The Great ADVENTure: day 9 & 10

This weather is ridiculous. 70s?!? In December?!?
I'm wearing a tshirt and cotton pants.
I made about four double batches of granola today. Going to make four more double batches when we get to atlanta. Grandma took some kids shopping. She left Samantha, john, and Alice. During Alice's nap I got out to the RV with john and I cleaned and swept it up. Kathy came by for a short visit.
I got some chickens at costco the day before so I set about making chicken enchiladas for dinner.
For enchiladas I shred up cooked chicken with sautéed diced peppers and onions into a pot. I *almost* cover it with water and I toss in three bay leaves per chicken* and bring to boil. I try to cook all the liquid down before I start filling either corn or flour tortillas up, rolling them, and laying them in a pan in a row. Then I pour enchilada verde sauce over top and sprinkle a bit of cheese then bake until cheese melts.
After dinner I took Samantha, john, Alice, George, and max to pick up cousin Dominic from bball practice. We drove he and a friend home. When we got back to grandmas we had ice cream cones and played a game of scrabble.
This morning I got up and planned to get quickly packed up and down to Birmingham to visit papa Hamilton. We were deeper entrenched in grandmas house than I thought. Our stuff was everywhere. In the washer, the backyard, to closets, under couches. Grandma took MJ, john, and Frankie to target and Starbucks and I nursed Alice down. After that is when the packing got serious.
Grandma went over to Leslie's house and swapped with her. She stayed to take care of Sierra while Leslie went out to lunch with us. She ended up having to skip lunch but we got a chance to give hugs and say goodbye.
We headed south on 65 and got off in gardendale. Papa Hamilton was happy to have us. He just loves his great grand kids. He still lives on his own and turned 94 this past November. We ate some barbecue grandma picked up in cullman on the way down.
I pulled the RV up parallel to the house so we could be on flat ground and we settled in for the night after the kids watched a movie.
Several points on the outside of the RV were carrying a mild charge after I hooked up. I am thinking I'll have Chris's uncle look at our plug. I tried to replace the plug head when it got ripped off last month. Chris pulled away from the house while it was plugged in and it tore the plugs head right off the cord. I tried to replace it- and it works- but I guess some strands of copper may be crossed and it's not completely grounded.
We unplugged right before tucking in just to be safe.
We'll drive by Chris's uncle's metalsmith shop tomorrow on our way through Birmingham to Atlanta.

*when we lived in San Diego we frequented (as much as our meager monies would allow) a drive thru called Roberto's. Such delicious mex you have never had before.
The guac- so yum. And their rolled tacos are legendary in our family.
Anyhow- they had these giant chicken burritos and I just LOVED the seasoning. It was chicken. That's it. Well, yes onions too. Stewed chicken and onions. But something else. I couldn't figure it out! Well- one fortuitous (for me)time somebody in the kitchen didn't take time to fish out the bay leaves. I had about four in my one burrito.
It adds a great flavor. And is cheaper if you buy it in the international aisle.
I leave bay leaves in my jambalaya and my chili (but not in my enchiladas)- and the kids consider it lucky to have a leaf in their bowl. They shout out- "I got a leaf!"

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