Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Great ADVENTure: day 19

The Great ADVENTure: day 19

I got up around 7:30 and decided it was too cold for burpees and crawled back under the covers and blogged next to Alice. Sometime later the RV began to light up with the bright light of a clear winter morning. I heard the Velcro that holds the window curtains together rip open towards the front of the RV and I sat up. John was peeping out at Regina's house. His face was fixed with surprise. The light from the sun was reflecting off of one of the big windows on Regina's house thus sunshine poured over the RV from both sides.
"Hey buddy!"
"It's SUNday!"
I smiled. It's actually Saturday but sure- it's definitely SUNday today.
We ate breakfast- I'm still not all that hungry at breakfast. I think I've adjust to eastern time zone as far as sleeping. But my stomach hasn't adjusted all the way yet.
I got a text from Chris at about 8:45.
"Canada bound"
After breakfast the kids played outside on the trampoline. Alice was toted about on a wagon. I threw in a load of laundry and took a shower. My back has been killing so after. The shower I did some Pilates to strengthen my neglected core. The kids came inside and watched videos for some time before I decided to take Alice and go visit Christina.
Their Saturday crossfit class was over so I met them at their place. Alice was asleep by the time I got there so I quickly changed into workout clothes and got in my burpees. Much warmer. It was about 60 degrees in the sun.
Mike made fabulous salads for us. Mixed greens, sliced lunch meat, walnuts, carrots, boiled egg, mango, blackberry, and all topped with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. After lunch Christina got the living room ready for the tree while mike carved the tree trunk down to be able to fit their narrow stand. Alice played along so well with Mae and Nina. I wished we could have stayed there longer. We had told Margaret we would join them for dinner though so I put Alice in the RV and headed to Regina's around 3. The boys were all playing soccer in the yard when I pulled up. Some neighbors had joined in.
John and Josiah were watching mickeys clubhouse and Regina was working on her calendar. I had all my kids in the RV and heading to Margaret's at about 4. Samantha, who spent the night at a friend's, was going to be dropped off at Margaret's place in a bit.
Margaret had just pulled in with several of the kids and gave me a big hug. We walked into the kitchen from the garage and ran into Anthony and Kolbe. Anthony was so tall! And we talked about college. "Harder than I expected", he said.
Kolbe was wearing a sling. He broke his collarbone yesterday playing football. We talked about how hard it is to sleep when you have an injury like that.
Margaret preparing for a group of them to head somewhere so I just hung out with the boys for a bit.
Jerome was a bit preoccupied as well but gave me a hug of welcome. We all started talking about the video competition Kolbe was in. GPB had invited him down to the dome for an interview during the playoffs so they needed to be downtown soon but we had sometime to catch up.
So it seems that some boys that were in the competition posted their videos on third party sites- sites that were designed to fish for votes- LOTS of votes. It felt dishonest, their method, so Kolbe didn't go that route. Jerome reported the other boys to GPB and GPB talked to their lawyers. The winner stands to receive $2,500 dollars so I think the other boys were succumbing to the great desire to win that money!
GPB decided to have the contestants sign a paper saying that they didn't use third party sites to garner votes. But in the mean time they wanted to interview Kolbe about his video during halftime of the Pius/Buford game.
Kolbe, Anthony, and Jerome left. I told Margaret I was wanting soup. Something warm and with lots of veggies. So she cleared out her fridge.
I diced onions, carrots, and celery and put it in a pot with 3-4 tablespoons of butter and sautéed.
She put a pot of water on to boil and mix with beef bouillon. We poured the bouillon over the sautéed veggies and added a can of black beans and a can of tomatoes.
While I made the soup, Margaret cut up some strawberries and seeded a pomegranate for snacking. Yum!
After peeling and chopping up a butternut squash i threw it in. I squeezed in a baked sweet potato and stirred in the purée. In the spice cabinet I found parsley, oregano, and basil and those got a turn- basil having a more prominent role. Margaret chopped up about a cup or two of leftover roast beef shreds and threw it in. The last thing I threw in was a couple handfuls of rice. Then the whole thing went for a quick boil before simmering again. As I stirred the pot Chris called from Canada. He said Henry decided to snowboard this time on their second run down he fell and thinks he broke his wrist. Chris switched apparatus with him and snowboarded the rest of the way so Henry could ski and not fall so much on his hurt wrist. Thankfully they were the same size foot. He said they were going to hit the hot tub and wait until they got back stateside before checking on the wrist. They stayed at the Fairmont- the totally luxurious place we stayed for Labor Day earlier this year. It's still relatively cheap because it isn't officially ski season until sometime after Christmas.
We said our goodbyes and I made some buttered toast in the oven and called the girls to the table. We had a "girly girl" dinner- NO boys allowed. Then we cleared our bowls away and the boys had their turn.
After dinner we watched "Secret of Kells" on Netflix. My kids love that movie. It tells about the bible scribes and illuminators of old old Ireland and how they had to protect their script from invading Northmen. The animation is totally neat. It reminds me of when Po dreams or thinks about the past in Kung Fu Panda.
After the movie I went out to the RV with Alice and john while the little girls went to sleep in izzy's room. Margaret took Samantha to Regina's house to spend more time with little Christina.

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