Monday, October 10, 2016

Our homeschool week at a glance 2016


Morning Chore

Prayer- Come Holy Spirit 

Read- 30 min non-fiction

Poetry- read the new lines(1-2)

Brave writer- read and lesson 

Flash cards- L/G just 3 new words, & times tables




Morning Chore

Prayer- litany of Humility

Read- 30 min choice

Brave writer- read and copywork

Flash cards- 3 new states

Poetry- copy new lines into notebook 





Morning Chore

Prayer- golden arrow

Read- 30 min choice

Brave writer- copy work and lesson

Flash cards

Poetry- recite whole poem to date





Morning Chore

Prayer- prayer for priests from pieta

Read- 30 min choice

Brave writer- finish copy work

Flash cards


Poetry- recite whole poem to date 



Morning Chore

Prayer- Magnificat

Brave writer- French dictation

Flash cards



Science- Catholic Stories from

Science, one chapter and discussion questions

Readings for upcoming Sunday mass


Morning Chore

Alice(almost 3)-she will acquire a Chore upon her third birthday.  Something simple- no more than 2 steps

John(almost 5)- make sure all bathrooms have one TP roll on the holder and one TP roll on the tank.

Frankie(just 8)-

Mary Jane(almost 10)-

George (12)-


Everyday prayers are St Gertrude prayer that releases 1000 souls from purgatory, Spiritual Communion, and Morning Offering.  Then certain days of the week have an addition special prayer listed on that day above.


Week 1- bible history- ignatius schuster Bible History, 2-3 bible stories a week- discussion questions following.

Week 2- saints- watching a video on YouTube about a Saint whose feast is near or reading a short story about Saint with a near feast day.

Week 3- catechism - 1 chap from St Joseph's.  Read on Monday, memorization questions on Tuesday, true-false and fill in the blanks on Wednesday, discussion questions on Thursday, activity and/or supporting bible passage on Friday 

Brave Writer- 

We are doing the quiver of arrows pack that brace writer (Julie Bogart) puts together and sells on their website.  We have a different book to focus on each month for a ten month period.  Through the book we learn writing themes and grammar, also writing tips.  It's pretty elementary but my kids haven't been exposed to anything like this and George, even though he is in 6th grade, is dyslexic so it's just a bit below his ability.  It comes with copy work and French dictation(fill in the blanks on the passage we focused on)

I plan on using brave writer as they grow, graduating through the ranks of arrow, boomerang, etc.  

Flash cards

M= Multiplication tables(triangle cards)

L/G= Latin and greek(English from the roots up set 1)

S= States and Capitals

Monday- L/G, M

Tuesday- S, M

Wednesday- L/G, S

Thursday- S, M

Friday- L/G, M


Each child has selected a poem from Best Remembered Poems by Gardner and Dover(thrift store find)

Word of the Day-

Mirriam Webster website's word of the day.  The kids and I try it on all day- attempting to use it in everyday speech.  On tuesdays and Thursdays during Fonts they write the word of the day using the font they are learning.


Tuesdays and Thursdays I pull up a font, usually just google image search "fonts" and then scroll through until I find one they like.  They spend 20-30 minutes copying the alphabet in that font and then do the word of the day.  They keep all their fonts in a folder for future reference.  This is their favorite subject this year.  They beg for it on the off days.


Every Wednesday the kids will cook dinner.  I will walk them through a different meal each week- each meal will expose them to a different cooking method and a different ingredient or seasoning.


The kids are in Singapore mathbooks.  The textbook and the workbook.  George is a bit behind because of the year his reading tutor urged us to do NO other schooling on days he had reading with her.  He is going to do 2 lessons a day until he catches up.


George is in 5A

MJ is in 3B

Frankie is in 2B

John is in kindergarten book

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