Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Whole 30 Days 18,19,&20 and smart phone addiction

Haven't had a bunch of time online lately. Trying to step away from my phone more. Trying to keep a balance that seems to elude me from time to time.
I have to confess that I confess "I spend too much time on my phone" more often than I care to. Probably most times I step into the box. My phone isn't something like Facebook that I could easily drop once I realize "there ain't no moderation here! It's all or nothing with me!"
I prayed and prayed for a plan. And after some time a plan started evolving.
I was inspired by a certain cigarette quitting technique I had heard about. Since an addictive aspect of cigarette smoking is compulsive, a way to break just that part of the addiction and to see the habit clearer is to schedule it out. So the smoker will have a timer and smoke on the hour at every hour and then eventually every two hours and then every three and space it out further and further. So I've set a timer for an hour and then when that timer goes off I set another timer for 5 minutes. I do what I have to do and if I have extra time to browse Amazon or read a blog or whatever I'll do that. The timer goes off and I put another timer on for an hour and put my phone on the fireplace.
Now this next part is key. As I walk away I'm tempted to pat myself on the back and say "good for you! See how you've conquered your phone! Gee aren't you the most self disciplined gal around!" But no. My sister told me she heard on the radio that "what isn't given up in praise turns to pride." So instead I walk away and say "thank you God for helping me walk away. For helping me look beyond my phone. For just walking this walk with me. Because without you- I'd fail."
Because I've tried *so* many times before.
Ok- I've exceeded my 5 minute limit. In the morning I get a bit more time before the kids wake up! But now I need to use my screen time to do some pilates!

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