Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Great ADVENTure: days 6 & 7

Tree decorating.
Dominic dancing with laughing Alice.

The Great ADVENTure: days 6 & 7

Sunday was a lazy day. Grandpa said goodbye to us late Saturday night since his plane left early Sunday morning before we awoke. We are still pretty heavily on west coast bedtimes and waking times.
Leslie came over with baby Sierra and we fell even further in love. She makes cute faces and just loves to watch the kids play. She is a good sport with all the noise of a big family.
We decided on a late lunch of Mexican since we don't get any of that in seattle. It was gloriously good. It's amazing how simple tortilla chips can be done wrong in seattle. Or maybe just done really right in the south.
After Mexican we headed to church early to meet Kathy and her kids before mass. We played in the church playground and just as the sun was setting it was time to head in for mass.
After mass all the kids piled into the RV and we headed back to the aunt Kathy and uncle Brad's place to hang out some more. The kids jumped on the trampoline and played video games. They ate chicken nuggets and watched snow buddies.
The cousins had school the next day so we said our goodnights and returned to grandma and grandpas to put the kids to bed.
Chris and I weren't tired and were still a bit hungry so we went back out in grandma's car. Nothing was open but IHOP and Waffle House. We chose Waffle House because they don't exist in Washington state. The service was awful and slow but I didn't really mind. Not having kids there it seemed like my patience stretched endlessly in front of me. We talked of the upcoming weeks and our plans. He would fly back to seattle tomorrow with Henry. They would go to work and school respectively and would fly back out to Atlanta the in a few weeks to rejoin us when school let out for Henry.
After a late late dinner we came home and found everyone still awake. It wasn't hard to put them to bed- they were all pretty sleepy. After all the kids were laying down we tucked ourselves and our full tummies into bed.

Grandma made pancakes for breakfast. She was eager for us to try out the maple syrup they bought up at a farm in Vermont. I tasted a few bites. Wheat is still messing my throat up pretty good. The syrup was delicious. Very delicious. She said we were going to take back a half gallon in the RV. Yum.
Chris drove me in the RV over to the rental car place and he got out. I took over the wheel and headed over to the RV shop and dropped it off for service and a wash. He rented a car and picked me up.
Chris and Henry headed out in the rental around noon heading to the Atlanta airport to catch their flight later that evening.
Leslie came over with Sierra soon after they left. The kids took turns holding her. We cleaned the kids room/toy room. The boys went shooting outside again. George came in and showed us a red welt on his stomach from where a bebe max shot ricocheted off a tree and got him.
Grandma took Max, George, Mary Jane, and Frankie out to buy a tree.
I stayed home with Leslie and Sierra, Samantha, john, and Alice and did laundry. We warmed up the left over spaghetti for lunch- mine was julienned zucchini since I left my spiralizer at home. And we made plans to eat mellow mushroom for dinner- another place that doesn't exist in Washington.
We began decorating the tree in the main living room with grandma. She had beautiful golden boughs to weave into and between the green boughs. Red balls and golden balls. White lights and jingle bells. It felt like the room lit up with life and happiness all in just a couple hours.
It lit up even more when Kathy came over with the kids.
They had so much fun playing. The older kids played mad libs and geometry dash on the iPad. The younger kids played in the toy room. KT chased sprite the parakeet around everywhere.
Time was getting away from us and Kathy decided to take Jon-Luc and KT home and let Dominic go have pizza with us.
The kids split one mushroom and onion pizza and one pizza that was half pepperoni and half hawaiian(Dominic's influence). I had a gluten Veg Out pizza. And Leslie, Hans, and grandma shared a meaty pizza.
After dinner we met Kathy at Walmart to hand Dominic over. But only after many laughs were shared over some particularly funny mad libs.
Home and bedtime for all soon after saying goodbye to their cousin.

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