Monday, December 8, 2014

The Great ADVENTure: days 11,12,&13

The Great ADVENTure: days 11,12,&13

Friday morning we woke up and had granola at papa Hamilton's house. He was shocked that the kids were just eating that for breakfast and nothing else.
Off of 20 just east of birmingham we stopped at uncle Barry's to see if we could fix the hookup.
He opened the plugs head up and re twisted all the copper strands for each of the wires and screwed them tight again. We plugged it into the generator and turned it on to see if the connection was clean and it was. I was back on the road after refueling and we were headed to Atlanta.
It was such a smoggy looking day- when we crested the hill on 20 inside the perimeter - the hill with such a great view of the city- you could barely make out the skyline.
We drove right up to my mom's house and parked on the street to keep the RV flat.
Inside, the kids swapped long desired hugs with grandma , grandpa, and uncle Seany. I put sprite's cage up near where the ridiculous trophy shelves used to be.
Later, I ran out to publix with my mom to buy some dinner stuff- fish and veggies and rice. Sean helped me make dinner. Samantha commented on how the dining space was so cramped in the kitchen. I said "imagine 2 more bodies!"
We readied for bed but only after the kids made their Christmas lists. Three things - "because Jesus got three things on the first Christmas"
They put their lists in their shoes and liked them up on the bricks in front of grandma's fireplace.
Sam, max, and George slept in the basement.
The rest of us slept in the camper.

It rained during the night and for a bit of Saturday. The kids woke up eagerly to see what Saint Nicholas left. Golden wrapped chocolate coins, clementines, and an electric toothbrush each. After mass and confession the boys played in the gutter wash. They set up dams of leaves and pine needles at various spots and would release them once a toy boat approached.
I had Alice in the stroller while john ran around on his bike.
I have been needing a haircut and the DIY cut I did a few weeks ago hasn't been satisfactory so I went out for a quick haircut.
Once back at grandma's house I began making split pea soup. with the old ham bone she had from thanksgiving. She didn't have enough peas so she ran out with MJ and Frances to buy some more split peas and ingredients for grilled cheese.
Sourdough and smoked Gouda goes really well with soup. We usually have it with potato leek during lent.
Split peas soup is super easy.
Mire poix
Ham bone
Split peas
Chicken stock to cover
I think an important thing to remember if you think you'll have leftovers is NOT to salt the pot to taste. Just salt individual bowls because from last experience split pea soup becomes more salty the longer it is stored.
Frances and john joined Alice and I in the camper for sleep. The rest stayed in the basement.
I slept really well- the first time in a few nights- and it was very needed.

Mass at IHM with father Joseph concelebrating and then IHOP after.
I ran into the McCarthy families at mass. It was so good to see Megan and Katie. Molly's family was there but Molly was out of town. Mom mentioned that it would be peter's 40th bday this month. I recalled being in Jacksonville the summer before my 5th grade year when we got the call about his death.
After IHOP max went home with grandma and grandpa because he was feeling tired and a bit under the weather. The rest of us hung out in the camper with father Joseph for a bit before heading to Piedmont- well, we had to stop at a dumpster for cardboard first. Behind the Greek place near SAMs on clairmont was where we scored our cardboard sled stash.
The hill was dry and full of leaves which helped make the sleds faster.
We joined Chris's friend from highschool and his family. The kids had so much fun careening down the slope. Samantha and George did a bit of snowboard style sledding. Alice didn't really enjoy her ride. She did love all the space and ran to her hearts content.
We went on to the playground for a bit before we had to leave to make it to downtown Decatur to grandpas Christmas concert.
Alice and John were asleep when we got there so I sent the kids in while stayed to clean up the RV and lay down for a bit. The sun was out- beautiful and bright. The air was fresh and crisp- I opened up the windows in the back to air out a bit.
The concert ended and Regina's family headed out to visit the RV. Alice woke up but amazingly john slept through it all- must have been all the hill climbing and sledding. Christina and her family came out and joined us in the parking lot- catching up. Regina left to attend a party and Christina and I decided to head on to meet mom and dad and max at Golden Corral for dinner.
When we got back to grandma's we watched my favorite Shirley Temple movie- poor little rich girl.
Soon after that we found our beds and tucked in.
I lost another camper. It was just Frances, Alice, and I in the camper- the rest slept in he basement.

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