Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Great ADVENTure: day 5

The Great ADVENTure: day 5

I felt hungover when I awoke this morning even though I only drank water last night. I was so exhausted I was afraid to drink anything stronger for fear I'd pass out standing up.
Grandpa made one of his signature breakfasts. Eggs- some scrambled- some fried, biscuits, bacon, and cheese grits- all served with orange juice and milk and all the biscuit toppings you'd ever want.
We ate and then just hung out lazily. Grandma took Henry and Samantha shopping and I took the kids to the park.
We headed home in time to get ready to head over to Leslie and Hans' house for the ironbowl.
We made it a make-up thanksgiving dinner as well. Turkey, dressing, gravy, sweet potato casserole, green beans, deviled eggs, kaleslaw, rolls etc.
The boys took turns shooting Hans' guns. Glock 42 380. And "something a little stronger than a 22".
The game started and the less football interested of us began to build an auburn puzzle. Hans was the sole Alabama fan in the house and so he was the only one satisfied at the game's end.
Soon after we headed back to grandma and grandpas house and went to bed.


Sarah Faith said...

Did you edit that pic of the gun firing? That is way cool to see the light swirling out but I wonder if it's an effect...

elizabeth said...

I tried to get the muzzle flash a few times manually. No dice.
So I videoed it. Then scanned through until I found the frame of the muzzle flash and took a screen shot.
I also got a good look at the kick. He didn't do too bad. His hands didn't go over the level of his head.

Sarah Faith said...

whoa, fancy!

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