Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Great ADVENTure: day 17

The Great ADVENTure: day 17

We saw the Mr and Mrs McCarthy at mass today. Peter would have been 40.
After mass mom waited in the RV with the kids while I browsed the shoes at REI. The merrels I bought back in September had recently started making the outer edge of my right foot numb and cramp. I talked briefly to the shoe salesman- told him I'd been happy with them for trail running but since using them almost exclusively on the trip and doing burpees in them I've gotten poor results. He suggested I leave the cement and head to the grass for my workout. So I kept the merrels. We returned to grandmas and loaded the RV. It's so much easier to pack the RV. I think I want to install cabinets in the van. Whenever someone asks "mom where does this go?" I could tell them which cabinet instead of saying "just put it in my seat" or "between the two front seats".
Regina's kids had an advent show at 12:30 so my kids were properly motivated to finish packing and cleaning and get on the road.
We made it to the show on time and found our seats. The younger grades did a little narrated miming of the nativity story. Gianna was a cute little Mary. The older kids made antiphon ornaments and took turns hanging them on the tree taped to the wall as a backdrop. They sang a verse about each antiphon as they decorated the tree.
Then at the end some kids sang "O come O come Emmanuel" accompanied by a beautiful flute.
Regina said they had a few hours before school let out so we went to schlotzkys off exit 10. More sourdough with olives glued to the buns with melted cheese. Yum.
The schlotzkys exit spit me east on old Milton and at the light for north point pkwy I took a left. I saw the roofline for lifetime fitness and decided to stop by. We had time to kill. Why not ask for a free pass?
Troy said yes! We happily walked those familiar (to some) halls. The pool wasn't open for family swim so we headed to the gym to check on the climbing walls. They weren't open either. So the kids began playing basketball while I checked the childcare center to see if anyone I remember was working. One lady, Andrea, the one I remember the most, was there. She gave us big hugs and walked down to the gym to see everyone. We talked for awhile, reminiscing about how I'd sometimes check the kids into the center *just* to take an uninterrupted kid-free shower. Simple pleasures are the best- yes they are.
I checked the younger kids in because they were begging. It was new for john and Alice. John was 6 or 7 months when he last was in the childcare center. They immediately went wild playing and enjoying themselves. I gave them 30 minutes and returned to the gym.
The older kids played bump and bet each other they couldn't make half court shots. Once time was running out we went to pick up the kids. Alice spotted me- and totally out of my toddlers character she kept playing. Didn't beg to be checked out. She walked off to find another toy. Brought it back and showed us. Then off again. We watched them for a good ten minutes talking about how the johns creek location child center wouldn't let Samantha hold Frankie to calm her. So she (and I) preferred the Alpharetta child center for that reason. And about the time George tried to scale the outside of the maze and was hanging from the skis of the helicopter and then fell and hurt his back. I was so frightened. We held ice packs to his back and went home.
Regina's family was getting out of school soon so I checked the kids out and went to costco for dinner foods.
I pulled up and halfway onto the grass at Regina's and the kids jumped out. Alice and john were still asleep. I pulled out the couch into a bed and transferred john there to sleep. I pulled out the extension cord and plugged into their front outdoor socket. Alice woke soon after and I took her in, leaving the RV door cracked so john could get out.
We roasted broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots in coconut oil and salt and had pieced rotisserie chicken for dinner. Super easy and tasty.
The kids were wild. It was bordering on frenzy. No less than three big wheels were making the circuit through the kitchen, side hall, front hall, dining room, and garage hall, back to kitchen and repeat. Bigger kids were upstairs playing Legos. Alice was everywhere. John was still asleep. John woke up just before dinner and one of Regina's boys brought him in. Samantha brought in sprite's cage.
We blessed the food and ate.
Christina, despite being in a lower leg cast, taught Samantha the Virginia reel and The pretzel in the living room.
Alice began falling apart so I took her out to the RV and got her dressed in warm pajamas. I turned on the heat and we snuggled in the big back bed. She nursed off to sleep quickly. I brought johns pajamas in and got him dressed. He wanted to "sweep on "pooh beah" which was actually "mr chambers" a stuffed bear about the size of a standard love seat.
I got him all settled on mr chambers and left Samantha and Christina who were sleeping on the couches nearby in charge.
I talked to Chris some. He was in the hot tub at samena and getting ready to go to Henry's second swim meet. He said that he and Henry are likely going skiing this weekend- depending on how much snow falls. It's been a warm season so far for all the local ski places. Raining instead of snowing. But he expected a big cold storm to happen Friday.
Hot tubs and skiing. Yeah. That's nice.
It seems I enjoyed their company so much I neglected to take pictures!
So- sorry! But it is nice to live the moment as it is without a device in my face. Maybe I'll take more pictures tomorrow.

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