Friday, December 12, 2014

The Great ADVENTure : day 16

The Great ADVENTure : day 16
We played at grandmas all day Wednesday. Just out in the fresh cool air and sunny sunshine.
We built piles of pine straw and ran through them. We saw firemen riding on the back bumper of the fire truck, stopping at all the hydrants to make sure they were able to open and then make sure they were closed up tight.
We came in for lunch and it had two babies asleep in my lap shortly after.
John napped downstairs and Alice and I napped in the camper. It was heaven.
We had fried chicken and fried rice. And we played vanished- a fun card game of memory. I gathered our stuff up from around the house and I collected moms stuff from camper.
The kids cleaned up the back porch and we rewarded them with Aladdin on VHS.
I got to talk for awhile with Chris after nursing Alice down. It had been awhile since we talked. That pesky time difference is a killer!

The brick is a message written over 20 years ago by fkp.
"Liz the fathead"
And I just love the grandpa & Sam selfie!

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