Monday, March 17, 2014

Had to share this post because I've been there

I've so been there.

She (Rebecca- aka the mom) writes here about how she felt when finding out she is pregnant with #10.
How it's not all sunshine and roses blooming within her heart as she gazes at the faint line on the pregnancy test.

Go on to read the comments.  I especially loved the comment offering to adopt the baby- that person so missed the point.  I responded "LOL" to that but it didn't put it directly under it as I assumed.

My favorite comment was this...

YES YES YES! I don't believe I was truly truly pro-life until I faced a crisis pregnancy. You become a special category of pro life when you face that pregnancy test and say yes to life anyway. When I found out I was pregnant and had cancer and chose to protect my baby no matter was the day I learned the true meaning of pro life. That was the day that erased my ability to ever judge a woman facing a crisis pregnancy. Now I know what it means to be so terrified you can't breath and to choose life anyway. Now I know that no amount of judgement will ever help another woman choose life. You are so right. As long as we pretend that being pro life means only being happy happy happy we are making women feel small and less than instead of strong and brave. You are strong and brave and you bless us all with this honesty. You are the very epitome of pro life.


Julia said...

oh my, i cannot thank you enough for sharing that. you've been on my mind a lot lately and i finally sat down and came to your blog, and seriously, i think God was trying to nudge me in your direction. i called andres in tears when i found out i was pregnant with #5 (due sept 2014). ignacio was support to be our last, at least for a while. even at almost 15 weeks, some days are still a struggle with the feelings of anxiety of being overwhelmed. thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this article. miss you guys so much!

elizabeth said...

Congrats AND hugs. It's so hard to find the line between life giving love and sanity taxing craziness.
I hope it all goes smoothly for you. Be gentle with yourself.

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