Monday, March 17, 2014

Right here. Right now.

The overhead vent is on BC I'm boiling water for spaghetti.  The sausage meat is browned and simmering in the sauce (with a little white wine of course!).  John and Frankie are playing on the ground with a caboodles(remember those?) and a webkins cat wearing Elsa's cape.  John is providing the lighting with a flashlight.  It's a waste of batteries because it's still so light out.  Mary Jane is moping about because the older kids left her home. They are all out in the woods with the neighbor no doubt working on their fort.  They've been at work on that thing for a few weeks at least.  Rain or shine.  Or rain.  The baby just nursed and is watching the Elsa cat show with interest.  Her colic has really lessened lately and I don't miss it a bit.  The living room is a mess with doll clothes, a helmet, Alice's booties, my foam roller, my yoga mat (from doing a youtube yoga video with adriene earlier today),  a ball, some train tracks, Alice's sheepskin, my little ponies, some school books and notebooks,  and empty birdseed shells.
Outside the yard is green with some light green moss peeking out between- threatening to take over.  Kudzu:Atlanta as moss:Seattle.  Pests yet both have byproducts we couldn't live without.  Two basketballs sit on the grass.  The neighbor has a cherry tree that could almost be ours and it's so beautiful with its pink blossoms snowing over everything.  I'm not missing the yellow clouds of pollen right now.  Chris says it doesn't happen like that here.  Or maybe it does but it rains enough that you can't tell.  Several of our bushes look like azaleas but I'm waiting for them to fully emerge before I decide.
John has now brought the caboodles over and we are playing peek a boo in the mirror.

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