Wednesday, May 15, 2013

zucchini carrot muffins with plantain flour

yesterday i made carrot zucchini muffins with our plantain flour- which is almost gone! 
another non-measuring baking escapade but i can try and remaster it in guesses and approximations. 

in a big bowl...
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
3 eggs
---- beat it all together.
one stick of softened butter
2 shredded zucchini
2-3 shredded carrots
---- mix those in.
add dry ingredients- don't mix until all the dry ingredients are added to bowl.
2.5- 3 cups plantain flour
1T baking powder
2t cinnamon
1t cloves
1/2 t nutmeg
1/2 t salt (i used this along with salted butter- it's all i had at the time)

then mix the dry ingredients at the top of the bowl for a bit until  they are mostly blended - then  mix them into the wet ingredients at the bottom of the bowl.  the mixture seemed a bit too dry for me so i added some milk to make it more of a muffin mix consistancy.  not sure how much i added.  a cup?  you can always add more zucchini or carrot as they are super moist.

grease muffin pans with coconut oil and fill them 3/4 full.
then bake at 350 until toothpicks come out mostly dry. 

we need to go get some more plantain flour.  we found it at two locations.  cobb international farmers market (aka- nam dae mun) on spring road in smyrna- and they source it from cayce foods on roswell(not the roswell road that is also hwy 9- this roswell road is north of spring road in smyrna and branches off of windy hill.- it runs almost parallel to spring).

i wonder if the dekalb farmers market has plantain flour.  i'd be willing to bet they do.  i haven't been to ydfm since i found coconut oil at costco.  there just ain't a reason to drive over there now!

1 comment:

Enid said...

Awesome; thanks so much!!

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