Tuesday, October 22, 2013

homemade butterfly bandages...again

ok- these are pictures of wounds- so if you have a weak stomach, you should probably stop here. but i have this certain awe for the body's ability to heal itself(faster if given a little help). well, sometime last week frankie decided to try out the skate board on our bare concrete (work in very suspended progress) living room floor. and she busted her chin again. i say again because she has busted her chin before. and without even pausing to consider anything i quickly(within a couple minutes) had some homemade butterfly bandages or "steri-strips" on her face- with an uncut bandaid covering the strips and keeping anything nasty out. well- the next day it looked really bad and i thought "dang! she probably really needed stitches this time!" the strips were getting weak and falling off so i decided to just replace them with new ones. when i had all the bandages off i realized that it was more than just the busted chin. she was dealing with a reaction to the adhesive on the strips or something. i made some new strips out of the same old bandaid brand and applied them again but this time didn't cover with the uncut bandaid. i had no other option in the house at the time. she wore the strips for one more day and after that her wound had already come together and healed up so much that i felt like another day of wearing strips that she was sensitive to would do more harm than good. here are her healing up pics. if you look closely you can see the scar from the old bust just proximal to her throat from the new one.

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