Thursday, October 24, 2013

the core problem of common core

for many months i have been reading, listening, watching reports that are coming in about the weaknesses in the common core curriculum.
they say the science is poor, the math leaves much to be desired, and the literature is weak.
i think these reports are missing the point.
the reason why the common core writers came together was to make it easy for students to move from atlanta on friday to seattle the following monday and be able to slip into a desk and there would be no hiccups- the class would pick up learning in seattle at the same point of the lesson as they left off in atlanta.
why did the common core people feel this need?
because they felt it would serve kids to have a seemless national curriculum. why?
this is where the core of the problem exists.
why do students need a seemless curriculum across states?
is it really causing such a terrible problem in classrooms across the country? when new kids move to another district is it really throwing a wrench in their education? having to pick up in a completely different spot?
the core problem isn't varying curriculums in every state. the core problem is that the schools aren't teaching the kids to learn. and to cover this up- with beautiful test scores- they are creating a "seemless" curriculum.
if the school system was actually teaching learning instead of cramming arbitrary curriculum into our children's heads then the children would be able to jump from one classroom to another and pick up- perhaps the first test score wouldn't be beautiful, but what, i argue, is the point of education? what is the end product of a successful education?
beautiful test scores?
a person who knows how to think critically and analytically on any subject matter presented to him?

maybe after a move across the country there would be a little hiccup. maybe there would be a little hole in the collected knowledge of a student who missed the unit on western plains indians or amazon river native plants but show me a "complete" curriculum and i'll find some holes in it. every single curriculum is going to have holes. even the hallowed common core has holes.
the key to education isn't finding that perfect curriculum. the key to education is priming our kids for lifetime learning. we have made curriculum king and made education it's jester, when it should be the other way around.
i saw in my brief stint as a wannabe nursing student that the system isn't providing us with people who love to learn. it's providing us with people who want to pass the test- and cheating is perfectly acceptable. it actually happened in my classes more times than not. they simply either didn't want to learn or they didn't know how. i believe, since the subject matter was so interesting and integral to the vocation of being a nurse, that latter was true.
so all this nit-picking about the weaknesses of common core is missing the forest for the trees.
pointing out weaknesses implies that we could go in and fix those weaknesses in the curriculum and everything would be hunky-dory.
we need to throw out the idea that curriculum is the key to a successful education and go with encouraging young minds to stay fertile, curious, and creative- and education will take care of itself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was sent your link from a friend. This is a great write up about education. I agree with you and the art of inspiring students to learn the material given and get excited about it is gone from the classroom. Teachers no longer have the flexibility of nurturing great minds but are now reduced to being classroom facilitators. There is too much testing going on in our schools and all teachers do all year is prepare the students to take the standardized test that have no validity. Thanks for your comments.

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