Friday, August 5, 2011

homemade butterfly bandages

frankie was dancing around being frankie when she stepped on a piece of cardboard on the laminate floor. the result was much the same as a banana peel. her chin opened up. i texted aunt margaret(sister/pediatrician/superwoman) the above pic and she said she'd need stitches. frankie was exhausted- it was 10:30 at night after a full day and i hated to haul her to the ER for a 2 hour wait and stitches so i also texted aunt kathy(sister/children's hospital ER RN) to ask her how to make butterfly bandages. i didn't want to have to get stitches but i didn't want her to have an open gaping wound that would heal into an open big puffy chin scar either.

she texted the following pictures...

cut the pad off so you have just the end of the bandaid, the sticky portion with a tab of non-stick backing on it still.

then cut length wise up through the whole bandage- leaving on the tab bc you'll need to peel it away easily.

tack it to the top of the wound, pull down ( i had to pinch her chin a bit to pull the skin together) and then tack down the bandage to the bottom of the wound. it works kind of like a staple.

she also said that she knew an ER doc that superglued a gash in his daughter's head and then tied a tight knot with some local hair to close it while they were away in the mountains. she said she wouldn't suggest it because superglue has toxins in it. all i know is that i am going to stock up on durabond next time i am in mexico. that stuff should be OTC.

here she is, snoozing happily with her homemade butterfly steristrips.

i had to replace the bandage often. she is such an active kid, drools alot, and is a sloppy drinker so whenever it got wet it became loose. she even fell and reopened it at about 3 or 4 days out of the original accident.

and here she is a week and a half later-what a pretty chin:)

edited to add that she busted her chin 2 years later and here is that post. I have to include a bit of a warning when making homemade butterfly bandages- definitely use a bandage that you know you aren't sensitive to. she had a reaction to the ones we used in 2013. that being said- she healed up just fine once her skin calmed down.


Maire said...

I am with you on the dermabond thing! If I could have had that, or my own steri-strips, I could have kept Damiano's pee pee wound in much better shape! Not to mention skipped some rather lengthy trips to the ER and doctor's offices when he picked it all off. AAarrgh.

Dawn said...

~tough pics for me to look at with a weak stomach but thanks for the tip - I avoid ER (and Doctors) whenever possible...

elizabeth said...

maire- i don't know why it can't be otc. i mean, could it be abused or something?

dawn- sorry. i just didn't feel like a description would do it justice. that and i don't ever know what is too much for people. i guess my stomach isn't that weak so it's hard for me to put my feet in your shoes.

Dawn said...

No problem... I need the pics but whenever possible I have my husband clean and bandage while I just hug and kiss the babes.... Sadly, even when they vomit, so do I and I'm no use to them at all. :/

elizabeth said...

i hate to watch someone doctoring me- and i hate to doctor myself. but for some reason i love the challenge of doctoring someone else. getting a splinter out, bringing down swelling, closing a wound, assessing allergies. i guess that's what is making nursing school so alluring:)
i remember a show a long time ago on discovery channel called DIY surgery and it was SO interesting. of course it was when people were in desperate situations like stranded or alone somewhere and death was the only other option- but it just captivated me.

Dawn said...

~Never saw the show but just last week someone was telling me about a climber who had been stuck for days and finally had to cut off his own arm that was wedged in the rocks... Ugh - not my thing -

My two older girls are much the same as you... One is hoping to become a PA and the other is hoping to get into Kennestone's nursing program next year...

Where are you going to school? How much longer do you have?

elizabeth said...

kennestone is a competitive program! i am done with pre-reqs so i could start anytime! but...
with the new baby coming the call to nursing doesn't feel as urgent as it did before.
the good thing is that all my science courses are good for 6 years. i'll have to retake the nursing school entrance exam but that isn't too big a deal. i'm content to wait:)

Regina said...

Aunt Margaret tied Christina's hair together over a wound when a bungee cord snapped and popped her right behind the ear. It was really cool to watch!! I love doing all the doctor stuff as well if I can!

@Dawn, I saw that hiker story and it was amazing! I guess if you ever get caught and close to death, you do what you gotta do... let's hope none of us are ever in that position! lol!

Anonymous said...

hi, so I know this post is a year old, but how does the scar look now?? My daughter just did nearly the same thing and the wound looks just about identical! Luckily I am an EMT and I am in RN school right now, so I get the general idea...unfortunately we cover wound care NEXT week! :) My daughter is deftly afraid of Dr's and hospitals (she had a pretty traumatic experience) so I avoid them with her until she is old enough to understand better if at all possible, but I am wondering about the scar this will leave? I know it is purely cosmetic, but I would feel bad if it doesn't heal up nicely just because I didn't want to compound her fear of Dr''s always a reward vs risk with this subject! :)

elizabeth said...

Funny you should mention this.
I was about to post an update as she busted her chin on concrete last week(thank you skateboard!).
I'll go ahead and post pics of her latest bust and heal up- and link from this post to that one.

As for scarring- if it were in a more prominent place I'd go professional but since it was under her chin I figured it would be fine.

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