Thursday, October 27, 2011

the key behind my lapses in culinary delight

i typically start hating cooking at about 7 months pregnant and it continues on into about the first year of the baby's life.
chris resorts to buying quick frozen stuff that he knows how to cook or taking us out to eat(which now isn't so much of an option since henry and samantha are eating off the adult menu$$$$$!!!!)
BUT- i have found my achiles heal of hating to cook. i may sound pollyanna-ish to some but i can say that i will be 36 weeks pregnant tomorrow and i am still enjoying cooking.
my achiles heal is planning and thinking ahead. i HATE it. but ever since our weekly gym/kroger date night started i haven't had to, or i have had to i just think ahead with my best friend so it's alot more fun.

this is what happens. we go to the gym. i swim. he runs. we meet in the hot tub(yes hot tub, i also eat sushi and deli meat while i'm pregnant- but in my defense i have a pretty good track record). after that we head to kroger and talk about the week's meals. this shopping together also comes with the added benefit of saving money. he keeps me from buying needless(but oh so tasty) things like buffalo mozzarella balls, or babybel wax covered single serving cheese discs. i also hold his hand in the freezer aisle so it doesn't inadvertently shoot out to buy pizza rolls or rolled tacos(bleh!). so we are buying decent food and cutting our shopping bill by almost half! AND getting alone time:)

and i come home and know what will be eaten for the next 7 days. we haven't been out to eat in almost 2 months- and when we have it's been for birthdays.

i have also thought that it's been easier to cook this far along in pregnancy this time due to the fact that the kids are now completely in charge of after dinner cleaning of the kitchen. that could be a very big factor. but when i get ready to cook i like remembering chris and i walking around the store in our sweats- looking date night fancy and planning out the nourishment of our family.


Lisa said...

liz that is such a sweet idea. You two inspire me so much...ANd yea my children took over cleaning years I have teens that can cook to! So it does it get easier actually with more children!

Julie said...

I ate sushi a couple times with my 3rd pregnancy, and drank wine here and there too. I'm sure whenever the next pregnancy comes along, I'll be eating sushi more and feel brave enough for the hot tub. ;-) I've always eaten the deli meat w/ every pregnancy. As long as I'm doing/eating/drinking things in moderation, I know I'm not harming me or my baby.

Thanks for keeping up your blog, Elizabeth. I enjoy checking in and learning from you and your family experiences.

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