Tuesday, May 20, 2008

journal home stinks

journal home hosted my blog for about a week before i got fed up. i've left bc jh was not such a good "host". so now i'm here and i'm brimming with ideas. it's hard to keep an e journal bc the kids kind of demand my time away from the computer...
last night max played in his teeball league championship. his team won 18 to 16. they have a couple kids with such talent it's fun to watch.
let's see, what else happened... oh, sunday mary jane didn't nurse all day!! i was ready to nurse her at bedtime on the couch while we watched "juno", but instead she just climbed into chris's lap and fell asleep! i almost cried. i did cry. i told him, "tomorrow she's going to nurse at bedtime and you are taking pictures." well, last night she did nurse at bedtime but the camera wasn't handy, so i guess she'll go on nursing at bedtime until we get those pictures that i'm going to cry over.
she's now 19 months. i had hoped to nurse her until at least two but i guess she has other ideas. this was going to be my first attempt at tandem nursing.
my sister is coming today to help get my house ready for summer.
it looks like a clothes bomb went off upstairs and it's pretty scary. i need to store all their winter clothes and get all their summer clothes in their drawers.
also, i need to bag all the clothes that won't fit me for awhile and put them in the attic or high in my closet.
i think i'm going to like my new home. i don't think it'll be as private as journal home, but at least it's going to be more user friendly. i'll just try to keep a low profile so noone notices my little corner of cyberspace.

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