Tuesday, May 20, 2008


i cleaned upstairs with my sister all morning and on through lunch. i started the "blank stare" dumbness at about 130 but continued keeping busy and finishing up. she left at about 200. mary jane and george were so tired they fell asleep as soon as i laid them down and read a book. george is into turtle books. we got a bunch of "franklin" books at the library yesterday. i have to change the name to his pet turtle's name. he has about 4 pet turtles and his favorite is a grateful dead terrapin. he calls it johnson.
so i'm pretty dumb right now. i have thoughts about what to make for dinner and the kids are pretty blurry, coming and going with neighborhood friends.
one thing i want to do this summer(school lets out tomorrow) is to make more of a schedule for things. like pick up laundry in your basket on tuesdays and fridays. clean bathrooms on blah blah blah. i can't think about that right now.

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