Saturday, July 4, 2015

Week3 swim season 2015

We swam well against mercer island country club and beat them in both the A and B meets.
MJ has now BDQd officially in every event.  BDQ means B meet disqualified.  So up here the clubs can get pretty big so they divide the meet into A meets and B meets.  The B meets are really fun and the A meets are really fast and competitive.  If a swimmer is super fast they are bumped out of the ability to swim in the B meet, so it stays fun.  They have assigned times for each event and age called BDQ times and if you swim faster than that time, you are bumped for that event and can only swim in A meets.  It's a big goal all of my kids are working towards.  I believe MJ wasn't even aware they existed and crushed the times without even knowing it.  She is so fun to watch.
Ther is a picture of the "two Henry's". And alice sitting next to the "other Henry" warming up to him on her own.
John met a little girl and played with her most of the A meet.  They were so cute, playing "ring around the rosy".
I also like the picture of coach Heath cheering on Samantha in breaststroke.  He gushed about how beautiful her breaststroke is, especially the glide at the front end of the stroke.  He's a volunteer coach that has an on-call job at Microsoft and spends his free time helping with the swim team.  He is so vocal and is so supportive with encouragement and advice.  And when it's relay time he is loud and usually jumping like a little kid.  

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