Friday, December 19, 2014

The Great ADVENTure: day 21

The Great ADVENTure: day 21

Kids and I woke and ate granola. Joyce made a yummy quiche with leftover honeybaked ham and everyone dug in lustily for a second breakfast. The older kids played rock band for an hour or so. Joyce needed to get badges ready for the AHG meeting that night so I took the kids in the camper to Gary Pirkle(the gay pickle) park.
I stopped by Kroger beforehand for some snacks. Pomegranate- on sale!, hummus and chips, cheese and salami, and water. The kids had such a great time in the sun. It got so warm Alice had an extended diaper change with a few moments of being diaper free and toddling -just wearing a long shortsleeved tshirt.
The kids took turns on the "tiger swing"(tire swing) and the rope pyramid. Then play moved on to the turf field. This whole complex would warmly be received in seattle. The turf. The covered playground. It would be the destination of many a play date.
We returned Joyce's kids and gave hugs all around before heading to powder springs- to Sarah and Dave's family who were expecting us for dinner. I fueled up at the Kroger and the kids primed the generator so they could watch a movie.
We arrived and soon sat down to a delicious dinner- yummy pork roast fresh from their meat delivery- roasted kale, sweet potato mash, and a delicious salad of mushrooms, artichoke hearts, and celery with lemon juice squeezed in.
I had no less than three servings of the salad and noshed on the meat a bit more too.
Erin came over laden with cheese and wine and other assorted treats- all for a nice mom's night in. The evening wasn't complete as we were missing the other Sarah. She had had a long weekend and was set for an early bedtime. Dave hooked the kids up in the girls bedroom with a laptop and the netflix password and they were good for the night.
It was so nice to just chat with Sarah and Erin. Catch up on things and commiserate about life and motherhood and wifery. Pretty soon Erin left to get back home to her son and husband. I took a much needed shower. It was heaven. Sarah had diffused some eucalyptus oil and it truly felt like a spa. Alice sat at my feet in the shower and I left her to play a bit longer solo while I got dressed. When it came to her turn for pajamas she cried when I turned the water off.
Sarah and I shared some peach chamomile tea and I retreated to the RV to lay sleepy Alice down.

You can find Sarah's blog with her amazing photographs of life at

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