Sunday, October 12, 2014

Ohanapecosh Fall 2014: day 1

We left the house at around 4:30.  I know- a GREAT time to start a road trip.  We hit the other side of rush hour somewhere between maple valley and black diamond.  The RV wasn't too hard to manage at all and we were cruising.  The last hours of sun were beautiful and mount rainier cut subtly into the horizon like a substantial bank of sharp clouds.
I was amazed by it's beauty.  Last Sunday in mass I mentally jotted down something that the Holy Spirit shared with me that would make me the best version of myself(thank you Matthew Kelly!).  The words that popped into my head were "be amazed".  I had, all week, been just taking moments to be amazed- even at the mundane.  This trip was sure to be way more than mundane and all to easy to amaze.
 The kids watched a movie while john and Alice took naps and I drove(and ate Justin's dark chocolate peanut butter cups)- shhhh!
I stopped in enumclaw for some ice and a can opener and Alice woke up.  For about thirty minutes after enumclaw Alice cried.  She usually stops after driving for a bit but she just got worse.  I was just antsy to get to camp before dark.  But dark came fast and I realized we still had what I figured to be 12 miles to go(my phone's gps wasn't connecting).  I decided to just pull over on a gravel shoulder and feed her and then feed the kids.  There was no rush now that the sun had set.
We couldn't find the sauce pan for the beans so I just dumped the beans and hotdogs together into the large pot . The kids don't like how sweet baked beans are (they call them "camping beans" because that is when we eat them).  To dilute the sweetness a bit I  typically buy a small can of baked beans and mix it with a large can of pinto beans.  It's still too sweet.  When we are done eating they make my teeth feel hairy. I need to find a fast and easy camping meal besides this.
After we ate, Henry realized his phone had a signal so he called Chris.  We spoke for a bit but as I stepped back into the camper the signal was dropped.  We got back on the road and our campsite wasn't much farther.
It was dark so I just picked a site that looked good as far as I could tell and backed in.  We will scout a better site in the light of day tomorrow before the crowds come. This weekend is the last weekend of the season for this campground.  I'm excited for a good trip but something tells me I'll wish I packed socks.

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