Thursday, August 28, 2014

Growth or fixed mindset?

I love the findings of this study.
It's one of the many reasons Chris and I decided to homeschool.
When we pulled them out a few years ago we sat down and talked about our goals and dreams for them.  We decided what was important.  
My desire was for them to love learning.  I didn't have to teach them how to learn.  they already knew that.  I didn't have to teach them that learning was fun either.  I just had("have" really- it's ongoing) to reinforce that struggling and failing doesn't mean you aren't smart.  Giving up does mean that you won't get smarter though.  
I liked this quote...

"students with a "growth mindset" believe they can get smarter by putting in effort and using the right strategies. "Their main goal is to learn," says Romero, "so they view effort as a positive thing." Conversely, students with a fixed mindset tend to view intelligence as immutable. Their main goal isn't to learn; it's to prove that they're already smart. These students view the need for effort as evidence of failure, so they give up more easily when presented with a challenge."

So go challenge yourself today.  Do something outside your comfort zone.  And don't be afraid of looking like an idiot.  The idiots are the ones who stop trying.  


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