Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A swim meet in notes

12-George-was talking and missed the start. Dove in when others were halfway through with first lap.
16-Henry- 1:25
25 free
19-MJ- Stopped to look at everyone because she was first and thought she false started. She ended up getting 2nd with a 24.85
24max- had to pee- dancing behind block. 1st into turns. It looks like he got first or 2nd. Said he felt like peeing but once in the water he feels better- and after race doesn't need to pee anymore. Hmmm. 34.86 was his time. He thinks it's a PR.
On to backstroke...
29-MJ- 3rd or 4th but a very strong swim- and more importantly no DQ!!!
36- Henry- 2nd. 42.55. Flip turn was much better. Although it was a one armed streamline.

42-George- I missed it. I was buying Henry a meal. Thinks he got 3rd
44- max- sigh. I missed max as well. Thinks he got 3rd or 4th.

54- max -3rd 43.72

55- Sam- goggles half off she couldn't see much but she soldiered on. 1st or 2nd into the turn. Ended up 3rd

Free relays
59-MJ- kept her team in 2nd. Ended up 2nd place.
62- George- looks like he got water in his goggles. Ended up 3rd
64- max
65-Sam - Anchor- won 2nd
66-Henry- led relay. Was second -got first or second

I'm going to ask the kids to request their times of the timer at the meet tonight as they get out of the water. We are keeping a list of their personal records for each stroke and i think more than anything- beating your best time is the most rewarding.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Oh goodness - MJ - I can relate. The first year I swam competitively, i was forever getting DQ'd for my feet coming apart slightly in butterfly stroke. Don't worry - it happens:) Looks like everyone is having fun!

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