Friday, May 16, 2014

Mcdonald's shatters my zen

So. I had kind of come to a zen-like peace about my feelings for McDonald's. Whatever. You know, I'll do my thing- you do yours. I really don't even notice them anymore. They used to be landmarks that I'd give directions with and now I'm like "how long has there been a mcdonalds on this corner???" Only to find out that it's been there the whole time.
But tonight. Oh boy. Tonight.
That zen-like peace was shattered. Smashed. I now loathe them. I will sleep with clenched jaws tonight. Actually. All joking aside I will probably do my EFT tapping before bed and my affirmation mantra will go something like this "even though mcdonalds hates water drinkers, I fully and completely accept myself"

So last night it was hot. Chris wanted to get out of this house. This house without air condition. So we drove. And then he says "I'm thirsty." And keeps driving. "McDonald's has soda for $1". And he aims purposefully for the place.

My zen is puttering along. Humming along. Just bliss. Sure- why not? McDonald's is cool.

We pull into the drive through. He orders "large diet coke and a large water"

"Is that all?"


"Ok- that'll be a large diet coke and a water."

I yell from the back seat next to Alice "LARGE water."

He says into the metal post with holes in it "a large water"

"We don't serve large waters. All we serve is small."

My zen has hackles. Where did those come from? Fine. Fine. Fine.
She just needs a little encouragement ok?

In the most gentle but also most assertive voice I can muster I say loudly "just take a LARGE cup. Put some ice in it. Then put..."

Chris cuts me off as he tells her "just charge me for the large water"

"We can't ring up a large water."

I use that same voice- gentle/assertive but with the tightness of my face it comes out in a nervousness mini-yell. Nervous because I liked my zen and it's hanging by a thread.
"Just charge us for a soda but put water in it."

Chris takes the more zen like path of least resistance and orders two small waters.

"Just cogs in a machine" I grumble below my breath as we pull around to the window.
Then he says "you know, I read today that seattle bumped their minimum wage to $15. That's $30k a year. That's as much as teachers make."
He fishes for cash.
"And that lady we just argued about water with? She makes $15 an hour."

Hello? Outside-the-box thinking? We miss you! Please come visit our nation again with your creative problem solving prowess. Save us from the rigid machine-like thinking.

And McDonald's? you are on my black list again. You treat your employees like cogs and like cogs they will act.

Free thinking for ALL!

Sent from my iPhone

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