Monday, March 3, 2014

Lenton observance ADD or LOADD

In the past I've been guilty of Lenten observance ADD or LOADD.
I pick a sacrifice and I do it for a week and think- gosh, this is too easy- I won't grow in holiness if I am such a lightweight. So then I pick something else and stick with those two things and then I hear of someone doing something cool and creative. Some neat sacrifice and I think - wow, that is a cool Lenten offering- I'll do that too! Then I decide to take on an extra prayer here and there and before too long I'm balancing a load that is pretty heavy. I'm doing fine though. Until life happens. You know- when your kids get the flu? You get the flu? Your car breaks down and you have to rearrange schedules and drive your husband to work? Whatever- you name it. Now that huge load is too huge and i find myself in Holy Week berating myself because I'm not even keeping ONE of the observances in anyway consistent.
So this lent I'm going to pick one thing. So hard! And stick to that one little boring thing. The. Whole. Time. Sigh.
And it'll be two Lenten observances in one! See how I'm trying to "earn" extra points like that? More sighs.
Just keep it simple. More is not better. I'm preaching to myself here!

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