Friday, February 14, 2014

In need of friends

If you asked me now what I would do- I'd say "move back to atlanta now".
Two things stop me.
I know this moving and establishing roots business takes time.
And the idea of moving all of our crap again is just dizzying and nauseating right now.  And no- I'm not pregnant.

It's just hard.  We are in a difficult place.  The weather isn't beautiful so everyone stays indoors.  Play dates are awkward when your family spans more than 14 years and everyone is looking for the perfect match.  I'm the younger mom when I'm with parents of kids Henry's age and I'm the older mom when I'm hanging out with parents of kids john's age.  

The house is feeling it.  Each kid wants to be deeply understood.  Deeply felt.  And I would too.  Chris is great but I need another mom.  I'd love to be able to just get away for coffee with someone.  Sarahs?  Erin?  Want to come out here and go on an MNO?  It's something nice to be able to get out and vent and commiserate and laugh about our lot in life.  It makes a mom feel like she isn't going crazy when she finds herself saying "what? You find the can opener on the floor of the shower too?"  

Friends.  For us all.  And that takes time.  For the time being- we will keep on trucking and praying to the patron saint of making friends.  Which would be??? 

st. jedidiah, pray for us!


Sarah Faith said...

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Hugs, I feel so sad for you. If I wasn't dead set on not setting foot in an airport I'd be out there to visit in a heartbeat.

Call anytime :)

michelle mom of 9 said...

My heart feels for you... saying a prayer for peace and comfort. May Mary surround you with her cloak and make you feel warm and loved. Call or email me too. But, I'm phobic about air travel...

elizabeth said...

Thanks guys.
I feel like maybe this wouldn't be much of an issue if not for the time difference.
Maybe I'll figure out a good window of time when it's good for a call on both ends.

EMS said...

Ahhh, sad day for you:(. Hope you are feeling better today! We miss ya terribly too. Michael and I took a walk yesterday by your house--went to the Caribbean store where you got your horse meat--lol! That place was cool. Michael and I decided that your meat was not horse because they have so many strange meats that they would have not been afraid to call horse horse...ya know what I mean?!

Anyways, St. Rita is the patron saint of lonliness and I remember one time hearing a homily about St. Andrew being known as good friend saint and I found this prayer... Great Saint Andrew, Friend of Jesus...
"...Lover of his glorious cross.
Quickly, at the Master's bidding,
Called from ease to pain and loss.
Strong Saint Andrew, Simon's brother,
Like him started life anew,
Gladly spread the holy gospel
Which from Word of God he drew.
Blest Saint Andrew, noble herald,
True apostle, martyr bold,
Who by deeds his words confirming
Sealed with blood the truth he told."
Love ya and praying for you guys...I can especially relate to the kiddos as I remember the struggles of moving around as a kid and hoping for that special friend who really understood me and was like me. Most places I was blessed to find at least one but sometimes I had to settle for any friend I could get. Must be especially hard with sad weather...praying for sunshine and friends for you guys!

I need to stop being lazy and do our workout check-ins too! You need to hold me accountable:)!

elizabeth said...

Good to hear from you Erin!
Lol about the horse meat!
It turns out I think it was just wacky pregnancy hormones messing with my tongue. Some meat hodges gave me tasted wonky too. And I started noticing a trend. Beef, for a little bit of time, was just wrong. And then it was right again:-)
Thank you so much for the prayer! I will save it in my notes to be said daily. It's prose is beautiful too!
And I'll be texting you soon! So get on with your plank !!!

Lisa said...

I MISS YOU so much. I have had three births the past month so I am catching up on your blog posts. You prob dont want to hear this. I feel the same thing here. i LOVE the beach we are blessed. But I am alone essentially. You know me my story. Skype us! Facetime etc. I am game to come visit. SOME HOW> I love you

elizabeth said...

Three births! You do sound busy!
FaceTime, google hangouts, and Skype have been my saving grace here lately.

MamaCiara said...

I feel the same way as both of you, I haven't moved, but everyone else has. It is so hard finding like minded mama sisters. :-(

MamaCiara said...

I feel the same way as both of you, I haven't moved, but everyone else has. It is so hard finding like minded mama sisters. :-(

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