Sunday, January 5, 2014

Monthly update on the kids 01/14

Monthly update on the kids 01/14

I'm going to try and post a monthly update on the kids every month.

Henry~ he got a keyboard for Christmas and is teaching himself via youtube. The flavor of the month is the BBC Sherlock theme song and he's almost got it figured out.

Samantha~ is enjoying the outdoors at our new place. She was in the backyard shooting her bow and a little later went tromping through the wooded 30 acre park in our neighborhood with max and George.

Max~ is pursuing computer programming again after being inspired by cousin Watts at the Birmingham family Christmas dinner. He is especially interested in a little thing called an arduino.

George~ is absolutely over the moon happy about living near such an awesome woodsy park. He went on and on about the cool things he found in the park during his first exploration.

Mary Jane~ has really become closer to Frankie over these last few weeks. Since the seizure I've noticed a deeper bond between them, with Mary Jane taking her older sister role to a higher level.

Frankie~ is doing well. She has taken on the role of being Alice's little momma. She carries her about and often can calm her when even big momma can't.

John~ has really begun talking a bunch. Now he can tell us what he really thinks! "Hol' zee" means "hold me". And when we try and scold him for hitting or kicking- he holds his hands up in a double "talk to the hand" style and says "no talk me!"

Alice~ has calmed down a bunch since mommy quit dairy for 2014. It only took four days to do so! She was so colicky- something had to give. She still hates the car and screams a good bit of any car trip. But it's better than screaming for the whole trip!


Sent from my rotary phone

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