Friday, January 3, 2014

a map of seattle

i dropped Chris off at work today and only consulted apple maps twice. And I consider that a freaking success.

the road naming system here is dumb.
SE 67th street
143rd ave
I wonder which came to Seattle first- the techie? Or the numbered roads?
I don't have a good handle on numbers. It's tenuous at best. You might be thinking "she doesn't have a good handle on words or numbers? What *does* she have a handle on?"
The answer is not much- though I'm particularly gifted at opening a wine bottle without a corkscrew.

In high school I wrote a paper on innumeracy. It's kind of like dyslexia with numbers. I picked the topic because I was convinced I had it. Turns out I just had a horrible algebra teacher *and* a minor weakness in number recall.
And now that weakness is really coming into the light.
If an address was a normal Atlanta address- one with as many words as their are numbers- I don't have a hard time remembering it. BUT- all the addresses out here are just one long string of numbers.
12076 SE 876th street
97739 NW 288$)89&$$)$3@@:$$&:&@: ave
I think the craziest part is how maybe you are trying to get to something on 91st ave- and you are ON 91st ave headed towards your destination. well, there is no guarantee that the 91st ave that you are on actually connects to the 91st ave that your destination is on. Roads are cut off ALL the time up here- and then 5 blocks east they pick right back up with the SAME name!
How is that even navigable?
And so I get it now- how the out of towners coming to atlanta complain about all the peachtree streets. I feel you. I feel that pain right now- in the upper part of the back of my neck- kind of in the location of my brain stem.

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