Wednesday, October 3, 2012

homeschooling- feeling the strain

this is just to air my feelings and thoughts and frustrations so bear with me.

something is up with homeschooling this year.  this is the first year where i feel completely pulled in so many directions.
for a matter of one minute you can hear the following multi-age classroom litany spew from my mouth-
"the Jesus sign means you put the two numbers together."
" 'ough' makes the "off" sound."
"congruent shapes have angles and sides that are equal."
"that is a lowercase 'Q'."
"max, it's your turn to get the baby.  he's crawling up the stairs again."
"that is a scale, not a ratio- the units have to be the same, so please convert the feet to inches."

i feel flustered.  a normal person would...right?
and i'm wondering, what changed?  is it the tiny house?  is it schooling more people this year than i schooled last year?  is it the age of the baby?  is it my expectations?  is it living up to chris' expectations? 
my heart leans towards unschooling- especially since i read "the little way of homeschooling".  and chris' feels we would be doing a disservice to the children if we went that route.  so we have found a happy(?) medium. 

so monday i made an excel spreadsheet(yeah for the phlegmatic girl!) and tried to stick by it.  i assigned one on one time with each kid in the subjects they need help with.  other kids were assigned "littles care", "reading", or "writing".  someone was assigned to listen to george read and assist him when he came to a tricky word.
it was a disaster.  i wasn't ready to give up on it.  i doctored the schedule.  the kids need more time for math.  someone else with more patience needs to read with george(does anyone have patience at this point???)  it seemed to work but there were still some holes.  and the house!!! oh the house!!!
i have blinders on all day as we sit at the table.  and when all the work is done and i heave a sigh of relief as i push away from the table---my eyes scan the house and my sigh turns into cough as my throat tenses.  really?  did you really feel the need to pull ALL the books in the boxcar children series off the shelf.  once you foraged for quesadillas did you really have to leave the remnants to the fruit flies?  did you really have to dump the unmatched sock basket all over the stairs just to decide on socks that don't even match? 

so tomorrow we will tinker with the schedule again.  and try try again.  because, as chris said to comfort me monday night "if it were easy, everyone would do it."


Christina said...

Wise man! And don't give up, continue to tinker. I really think you will find a perfect blend for you and each of the kids. But if you don't try, then I'm not too sure they will either ;) oh and by the time you figure out what works..... Write it down so I can attempt it later ;). Praying for fruitful attempts this first Friday!

Momma said...

YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! THings are very topsy-turvy around here llke that and with two other little ones and two other bigger ones here to add to only my own brood it is sometimes daunting. Ever think of teaming up with another family to school together? teach two or so subjects to all the kids and them do the same??

ps.... love you liz.

Lisa said...

AGree, YOU Are not alone...its is a huge struggle here. I also unschool the young ones. But now with high school finding she wants more 'schooling' type. Follow your heart. We are raising our children for God! We are getting SO many Graces!

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