Thursday, October 4, 2012

it's not your sister's hand-me-down bike

well, yeah, it is. 
samantha got a new bike for her birthday and since george needed a new bike she passed her old (purple "free-style girl")bike down to him. 
so george and i headed to the hardware store and spent $20 on spray paint and red duct tape.  then we spent the rest of the afternoon playing "extreme makeover- bike edition".  it took on a life of it's own and looks like something you'd see at a jamaican circus.  we had fun.  rasta bike!

what is it with the ultra gendered bikes?  bikes are either popping with testosterone or drowning in princess estrogen.  and as with most things a girl can get away with a boyish bike but a boy can't really get away with a girlish bike. 
maybe it's because people don't do hand-me-down bikes anymore?  they are only having two kids so it's easier to buy a new gender specific bike for each kid at each stage of life.  maybe it's the bike companies making sure that you are back at the store in two years to buy a pink one instead of a motor head one.

1 comment:

Sarah Mosley said...

I love this! I've been wanting to do the same to the kids' bikes that we got for free at recycling center's FREE bin.

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