Sunday, October 23, 2011

vent on EDD- please excuse the hormonal drift here

estimate /ˈestəˌmāt/
verb Roughly calculate or judge the value, number, quantity, or extent of.
noun An approximate calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something

this little word seems to be forgotten when people talk about when baby is due. at the care provider's office on the chart it will say EDD- standing for estimated due date. but out in the world people will just use the term "due date".
"so what's your due date?"
"when is baby due?"

i always want to correct them and say "well, the baby is estimated to be due november 25th."
but i feel like people would just gloss over the "estimated" part- even though i put emphasis on it.
i am on a message board with other pregnant moms from around the world and it seems the american moms are the ones who are saying "will baby come already?" at 36 weeks or so! com'on people! the EDD is an estimate- yes, you could go early but why not plan on going at least 40 weeks?

i think i get testy on this subject because i am a late cooker. i go overdue with everyone- well, almost everyone. and i CANNOT stand all the "baby isn't here yet?" comments.
no- we are working on God's timing. if you have a complaint or a question please ask Him. and if you are important enough- we will notify you of the baby being born. you know who you are. so please- as the time comes, if you feel like you can't avoid asking "is the baby coming soon?" then don't call. because the phone call screening will begin forthwith.

thank you for your consideration regarding this detail,
the management

1 comment:

Julie said...

I say estimated due date, too. :-) Its my way of reinforcing that going into labor is not an exact moment on a specific day, like going to the dentist @ 10AM for a 6 month cleaning.

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