Monday, August 22, 2011

weekend craft: auburn reupholstered infant carseat

i kind of wished i could have taken pictures along the way so i could
have made a tutorial- it's pretty easy.
i just pin the fabric to the carseat's seperate fabric sections and
cut- then piece. after piecing i bind the new cover to the old one.
there are some replaceable covers that are elastic around the edges-
kind of a one size fits all type thing and they just slip over the
existing carseat and cover- but i like binding it to make it a solid
and as an added bonus- ALL this fabric- everything you see, came from
my fabric stash. yes- i am a horder:)
but it has come in handy during this time of financial insecurity. i
have told myself to "be creative with what you got!" and so far it
hasn't been too hard.
i think my favorite part is the little tiger tab covering the strap


Dawn said...

I admit... I'm quite inspired!!! ~I was looking at Maggie's car seat today thinking it really needs an overhaul - now to find the time!

btw - what are the "new" rules for taking kids out of car seats? I was just told there is now a height requirement... do you know?

God bless.

Julie said...

Nicely done, Elizabeth!!! And good for you for "hoarding" your fabric pieces. Isn't nice when the stuff one saves actually comes in handy?!

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