Thursday, August 25, 2011

12 hour growth spurt

who else thinks this growth spurt is kind of ridiculous big?
first pic is from yesterday morning. i am 26 weeks and a few days.
second pic is from last night?!?!? yes, last night.
i could. not. stop. eating. yesterday.
wonder what is going on... wish i had a womb-cam.
in other news i have my first appointment with the practice who is
going to deliver "dolphin" later today. and yesterday i found myself
really excited for the first time in a LONG time about an appointment!
with jedidiah i always felt apprehensive- kind of a protective stance
before appointments. "what are we going to learn this time?". ioften
couldn't sleep the night before- and them i felt tight all day until i
was through.
and even with this baby. the first appointment when we got an
ultrasound too was a very anxious time for me. and even after the
ultrasound showed nothing wrong i still didn't look forward to
appointments. i think i just hated the practice. they made me feel
like a number, someone to bill. i prayed and prayed to know who i
should deliver with. i couldnt go back to dr.tate- he is such a
skilled doctor and so caring too. but he only delivers at emory
midtown and i couldn't go back there and see some of those nurses.
then after going back and reading frances' birth story i recalled how
much my midwife stood by me- she delivers at a different hospital-
which importantly isn't emory midtown. and i feel peace with this
decision. a deep peace and an excitement that i haven't felt in a
long time.


Megan said...

So excited for you to finally have someone you know, love and trust to deliver "dolphin!" I felt the same peace when I found Diane with Gifts from Grace, so I know the peace that you are feeling! :D

As far as the growth spurt pics - that is too funny! I would love love love to have a womb cam for every pregnancy. Such a beautiful journey for mom and baby!

Julie said...

Grow baby, grow! :-)

Sue said...

Ahhh...I sure do miss the San Diego breezes this summer! Looks like baby boy changed positions? Could it be twins that somehow they missed?

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