Monday, August 8, 2011

frankie's style

i think my favorite morning moment is when frankie enters the
kitchen. she wakes later than i an gets dressed out of a laundry
basket* and comes down for breakfast. her outfits are always SO
unique and fun.
*we tried drawers with her but she prefers the ease of an open basket
on the ground. plus it's easier for me to just pick up the pile of
clothes she tried on before deciding on her final outfit and throw
them back in.
she is a "get dressed to shoes" fly lady in training and she
definitely doesn't get it from me!

here she is- in a circo polka-dot turtle neck just perfect for an
august morning breakfast, an old batik hand me down(from samantha)
homemade peasant skirt and the classic lines of her silver mary jane
velcro flats- also courtesy circo.

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