Sunday, July 24, 2011

prayer request for my nephew elijah--- and update

he is front and center in this picture.

i got a call from regina saying that he needed prayers. they are headed to the hospital right now.
he may have suffered a concussion two days ago- and then this morning he watched from the window sill by their kitchen table as regina iced a cake. the next thing regina knew is he had fallen to the ground under the table and lay unresponsive. once she got him to he was feeling his head and saying it hurt.
please pray that God holds them close. that God helps the doctors to find out quickly what is wrong. and that the family leans on God- trusting that whatever happens His ways are the best ways.

regina just texted "Thank you Lord, Elijah is in the clear. CT scan was good!"
AMEN and thank you all for all of your prayers!!

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