Wednesday, June 17, 2009

we're at the lakehouse this week

so i don't have much time. i've just stopped by the house to pick up some things.... and to google this caterpillar that mj stepped on yesterday. here's some pictures of the ugly little bugger.

this is what my search brought up.
Reactions can range from a mild itching to the more severe pain, dermatitis, and even intestinal disturbances
i think she experienced the whole list of reactions. she's a trooper and she's doing fine.

1 comment:

Enid said...

Ack! That is one ugly critter! I read the other day that for bee and other insect stings to try an onion slice on the site. The people who have used it swear by it. Dunno if it would help with this caterpillar, but if anyone else gets a sting of another variety... Hope she's feeling better!

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