Wednesday, June 24, 2009

the two kid experience...again.

i'm living the life of a "normal" mom. i have 1.8 kids. not sure which is the 0.8. it's between franky and mary jane- and they are almost the same size. all the kids are having adventures in far off places. george called today reporting about spotting a fox. he also said that hot springs are stinky like rotten eggs. on his rafting trip on the snake river he saw a moose cross the water. samantha called and about a minute later a swooshing noise covered her voice. she announced that the subway train had just arrived. i missed her but knew that our conversation would cut off soon because cell signals don't do tunnels. she called back later and passed the phone around to the boys. they spent the day in salem. i would love to visit walden pond in concord. i hope they get to do that.
these "normal" days i'm reminded of those people who stop me in stores or church or the library and say "my, you have your hands full! i don't know how you do it. i'm barely keeping afloat with two." i usually just smile and nod and say something about how the kids are blessings. if i have more time then i tell them that "actually, having two IS hard. i find that having six (that aren't all the same age) is ALOT easier than having 2."
it's hard keeping up with two. i'm everything for them for 24 hours. they miss their siblings- their built in playmates. franky's teething and i miss george there to distract her with his silly antics. i miss samantha coming up and asking to take franky on the trampoline with her. i miss henry making mary jane laugh. i miss max and his soft ways with the girls. they will be back saturday and i can't wait. for now i'll live the "normal" life and be open to lessons so i can be more compassionate on those families who have a tough time becuase they have their hands full with only one or two kids.


Katherine T. Lauer said...

Thank you! As a mom of only two-so-far but more-hoped-for, I've heard your sentiment a lot from moms of many. I'm praying it is true because having a toddler and a baby is really hard.

elizabeth said...

katherine, you are definitely in the red zone. it's tough and the days are endless but one morning you'll wake up and john will be there by your bed saying, "mom, i've made you some eggs, would you like me to take the baby while you eat them?"
well, we haven't gotten there yet ourselves...but one can dream right?

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