Thursday, May 14, 2009

qt @ lt

i'm starting a new tradition where i spend quality time with each of the kids one on one. it's really easy to do at lifetime fitness because they have childcare provided. that used to not appeal to me. when we went to the ymca the childcare was segregated according to age ALL over the building. i didn't like it and i think i only did it once or twice. at lifetime the kids get to be together but have the option of going to age appropriate areas- so i'm much more on board with that. if franky has a problem samantha or henry usually spends time with her and she calms down.
last week henry and i played squash. the week before george and i swam in the pool. this week was max's. my arms are jelly because he decided he'd like to try his hand at rock climbing. after a few timid attempts he decided it was cool to attack the wall without mercy. i made it all the way up the easiest auto belay they have. chris watched us after he finished running and decided he'd be better at it than we were. i told him to go ahead and try. he did pretty good, but after one time up decided that he'd not do it again. one thing i was surprised at is how small the shoes are. man, my toes ached the WHOLE time. in between climbs i had to take my shoes off so my toes could take a breather. max REALLY liked it. i hope he chooses it again next time. it was neat to see himself so excited about it.

1 comment:

Momma said...

Great job guys! Rock climbing can be intense so I hear. we have a Rocks 'n Ropes here, a place just for doing wall climbing. Brother in law took us, but it is his joy, climbing. Try the inverted walls sometime! Crazy Hard! Poor fingers and toes.

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