Thursday, May 21, 2009


there's been more than a few funny times with george this past week.
last friday we went to a homeschool pool party with maryann, david, and arif. i saw one of the dad's talking to george. he headed back over to our side of the pool with his young daughter in tow. she didn't seem too happy. he was talking to her soothingly so i figured my assumption was right. george must have done something.
"honey, i don't think judge will splash you anymore." i was planning on going to talk to the dad and apologize on george's behalf but after hearing him call him "judge" i had to stop for a minute so i wouldn't bust out laughing half way through my apology. it does sound like "judge" when george says his own name.

he's so excited to be going on a big trip with aunt leslie. he get's to fly on a plane. he's even going on a rafting trip. i know he's going to like lellowstone. i tried to teach him to say it correctly.
"george, say- 'yes, yeh, yeh, yellowstone."
"yes, yell, lell, lellowstone."
i tried.

at dinner a few nights ago he asked if some night we could make the mashed potatoes with marshmallows on it. he calls mushrooms "marshmallows" so i thought he meant that but then i remembered how much he likes sweet potatoes.
"oh, you mean sweet potato pie."
a look of confusion crosses over his face. then he goes on excitedly, "we have to get those small marshmallows at the store."
"then we have to make a castle in it."
now i'm the one who's confused. a castle?
some other conversation takes over on other sides of the table so i'm in on those when i hear him say, "yep, a sweet potato castle."

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