Sunday, May 3, 2009

awww. i love you too dad

this was a response to one of my posts. i didn't want to okay it because it let on some personal information, i.e. last names. so i edited it and the rest is as is.
i love his writing style. he's my dad and it's hard to say who is prouder of who.

En el principio era la Palabra, y la Palabra estab... En el principio era la Palabra, y la Palabra estaba ante Dios, y la Palabra era Dios. Ella estaba ante Dios en el principio. Por ella se hizo todo y nada llego' a ser sin Ella. The number ten (10) has a great significance in the Dewey Decimal System when it comes to Libraries. It has additional significance in the table of Natural Logarithms where its use facilitates the handling of huge numbers beyond the capability of print. Also it furnishes the end of a decade and the beginning of another. Kids learn to count by ten, make change, plan sets, apportion treats and discern weights and measures. No ten on earth can come close to describing the tenth item in the Universe as to when it came to be, where it began its existence or if it was slow or fast to come to be. However, at the appointed time, in the appointed year, at the appointed place, to the appointed parents, a tenth child was conceived and in the passage of gestation came from within darkness, security, warmth and love to bring forth all the emotions that could be experienced by those parents during the next 30 years of first living with and then vicariously living through the life of such a unique person that to thank God for her is inadequate at best and yet, through prayer can be lifted up by Our Lady in her hands to an acceptable level for His appreciation of His created soul that resides in Elizabeth M P----- now given to Christopher A------- for his mate. As her father on earth I stand in deep respect of her incredible position in life with present responsibilities in the realm of spiritual, mental, moral and physical needs of six children of such diverse natures as to try the metal of any number of Nannies backed up by at least four drill sergeants with billy clubs. Hats off to a great person, a wonderful lady, my daughter, Elizabeth. You have a special inextricable place in my heart forever even into eternity. May He bless you abundantly. Love ya 24/7 Dad


Sue said...


Grains of Hope said...

Wow! That is so wonderful. Is it your birthday?

BTW, I always love your background music.

elizabeth said...

no. he's loving like this 24/7/365.

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