Thursday, April 30, 2009

pig pandemic

“we were all supposed to be in the graveyard by now, done in by AIDS, SARS, bird flu, poisoned peanut butter, hong kong flu, killer tomatoes, global warming and strangulation by kudzu. but here we are, proof that there really is life after death.”
wesley pruden, washington post

i sit here in my house and i wonder why all these reports on the swine flu are running about. it doesn't phase me. i'm not in the least bit concerned. i just think that this is the flavor of the month that the media wants us to be concerned about. the bird flu worried me for a bit. i think one would be hardpressed to play the "six degrees of someone with bird flu" and have them be anywhere near yourself.

1 comment:

Momma said...

I second this post!!! I was worried for a bit but then realized how silly it seems that the flu can kill thousands per year, and this has only been confirmed in a few hundred cases. Many have recovered and returned to daily life as usual.

Its sad that the media pumps up the idea that this pandemic is huge while telling the masses not to worry, just wash your hands.

Thank you! Thank you! And for a quick minute, I thought that soap wouldn't help. pish posh....

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