chris stopped by dunkin donuts on the way home from mass. i knew i was in trouble when the man asked, "would you like to buy a dozen and get a dozen free?" after mass i'm ALWAYS hungry. i could eat the hind leg off of a donkey. when i'm pregnant i literally have to pack something in the car so i can eat on the way home. well, chris hands me the two dozen freshly baked donuts. giving up sugar isn't so hard. it's just hard when you are incredibly hungry and the nearest thing to your face is sugar.
"this is hard." i say.
"why?" chris asks.
"because i'm hungry."
"eat a donut."
"well i don't really want to. i mean, i do, but i don't." i know that if i just wait until i get home and eat something it will all be better.
"well, i'll eat one", he says.
i reluctantly open the box.
"blueberry." he points to the one in the middle.
the sweet fumes waft up towards my face. i'm trying to go home ahead of the car in my mind. open the fridge and find something to eat but my mind draws a blank. i'm getting dizzy. i HAVE to shut the box.
we get home and unload the kids. thankfully, max takes the donuts in. mercifully, chris tells me he'll take the extra box to his fantasy football party. and luckily, there's some leftover lumpy cold oatmeal in a pot on the stove. a far cry from fresh dunkin donuts...but at least i am not typing this post in a sugar fed stupor, only to be haunted by sugar cravings for the better part of this week. no. now i can hold my head high and look forward to a new week of sugar free bliss- no hangovers in the morning, no achiness in my body, oh and something else i've noticed lately, no more eczema on my arms. woohoo! now that is a week to look forward to.
Hind leg off a donkey, eh? Funny.
your efforts are nice to see...... makes it all too real. Struggling here with thyroid and nutrient deficiency. I hope to fix the missing links to help with the over whelming cravings, which lead to feeling awful after eating the sweets.
good job holding out for the cold-oatmeal!
You go girl!
Kudos for self control!!!
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