Sunday, January 18, 2009

reception fun!

we just got home about an hour ago. samantha's Godmother got married today and she was a junior bridesmaid. chris sniffled a bit last night saying something about how she's growing up too fast. it was a nice wedding. it started a tad late (about 45 minutes). the funniest part was when samantha had to recess with a tiny groomsman. her faced was screwed into the funniets shape. like "i better not smile because i don't want ANYONE to think i like this". we skipped lunch so i was looking forward to the reception- catered by sean. he hadn't slept all night preparing the food. it was at roswell river landing, a nice little public hall on the chatahoochie. when we got there i went into the kitchen to ask if sean needed any help. the bartender hadn't showed so i volunteered chris for the task. after the bride and groom showed up i got the kids in line to get dinner. right before loading up on some goodness chris tells me sean has cut his hand. i asked sean if he'd like me to drive him to the hospital since he said it might need stitches. i figured it'd be pretty hard to drive with fresh stitches in your hand. so i grabbed a chicked, wrapped it in a napkin and threw the girls + george into the car. mom and dad were going to meet us at emory ER. on the way i got instructions from sean on how to break down the party and looking for 50 cents to pay the tool. meanwhile chris is COMPLETELY in charge of the food and beverages at the reception- bartending as well as heating up food and replenishing the food in the warming dishes. i meet up with mom and dad at the ER. sean gets out, mom gets in and we're back on the road to the reception. another 50 cents later and we're there with two hungry sleeping kids and a crying baby. i run in to tell chris we are there. there's a little drama about sean's first responder and her open wound. not so good. i talk to the jaramillos about what to do with the food and then run back to the car. mom dons sean's black apron over her inside out fuchsia polo shirt and black skirt and shifts into high gear. once george and mary jane wake i lure them back inside with the promise of wedding cake. and as all parties often do with the addition of booze and tunes and the subtraction of sunlight, it has gotten dance-tastic. samantha is showing off all of her groovy dancing girl moves and wowing all the 20-something guys. mike and christina have arrived to help out with all the trash collecting and leftover wrapping. mary jane turns her nose up to the cake but eyes the canolis. there's a few "big chill" moments of singing in the kitchen while cleaning. well, actually, more than a few. we wrapped it up and headed home. as i read a book to george chris warmed up a plate of food- his first bite to eat ALL DAY! phew!
UPDATE- i called dad this morning as sean was still asleep. 5 stitches hold his palm together. no hand function was lost and all that was damaged and repaired was skin.

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