Friday, January 2, 2009

a mom's confession

this is my submission for danielle bean's mom list video.
if you want to do this follow the instructions that she emailed to me.
If you would like to be a part of this project, here's what to do:

1. Think of a "confession" you could share with other moms that might make them laugh while offering reassurance that they are not alone. Some examples might be "I had cookies for lunch" "In my laundry room, you can't see the floor." "I have NEVER cleaned my oven" "I sometimes feed my kids cake for breakfast" "I use the television as a babysitter" "Some leftovers in my fridge are growing legs" or "I haven't dusted since 1992." Make it funny, poignant, simple, or shocking. Whatever your "confession" make sure it's clean and make sure it's short.

2. Write out your "confession" on a large piece of paper or poster board with a wide, dark marker. Have someone take a photo of you displaying your "confession." You can personalize the photo by posing with kids, in a certain part of your house, whatever you like, but make sure the lighting is good and the poster is large and easy to read.

3. Email me ( the best quality (high res) copy of the photo you have along with your name (your name will not be published or shared, I just would like to have it for my records).

4. Understand that by sending me your photo, you are granting me all rights to use it as part of this video project.

That's it! I am really excited about the potential for this project to help support and encourage moms in the important work they do every day. I hope you will give serious consideration to participating and helping to make it a success.

Thanks for all your support and blessings to you this Advent season!
Danielle Bean


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! This is hilarious! I can relate to every single part of this! It's actually scary, since I think we fit each of the suggestions: I've definitely had cookies for lunch; there's supposed to be a floor in my laundry room?; my last stove we had for 7 years and I never cleaned the oven; the kids definitely get cake for breakfast (especially if it helps us get to Mass on time ;) ); TV = FREE babysitting minus a few good brain cells; and most of my house has vitally important dust-settling experiments going on. I should be ashamed to post this... LOL!!

elizabeth said...

i think most moms are guilty of those things. but, i think you gotta do what you gotta do. i actually have another confession that i can't really put into a tight comment. plus it's kind of crude. just imagine you are on a 4-5 hr road trip with two toddlers and a baby. everyone is asleep and you know if you wake them they are going to cry the rest of the way. all these things you consider while you are frantically wondering how to go to the bathroom... let's just say- men aren't the only ones who can go into a container. like i said- it's crude- but you gotta do what you gotta do.

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