Saturday, November 1, 2008


here's the rundown. with the new baby on the scene we did alot of repeat costumes from last year.
henry is a kangaroo- with a candy pouch

samantha is a cheetah

max started the night as a robot- he spray painted boxes silver but they broke apart half way through the night. his friend harrison was a mascot with a big baseball for a head. harrison kept tripping over things because his sight was compromised so didn't want to wear it anymore. max decided he didn't mind tripping so much so harrison let him borrow the ball head and thus, max became baseball man.

george is a panda- looking fierce in his photo.

mary jane is little red riding hood.

here are some pics from last night

as i was typing this post i overheard this in the hallway...
max- so george, what are you going to be next halloween?
george- i'm going to be a tiger, 'cause everyone says "cute!" to the panda.

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