Monday, November 3, 2008

news from iraq!!!

the following is an email from my brother. sooooo happy to hear from him. this just made my night.
Blessed family,
Hey! I just got computer access--it has taken a week and a half (and an IED explosion) to finally convince the team that I am not just complaining. I said the votive Mass of the Sacred Heart for the intentions and protection of the BN commander on Friday; then Saturday his convoy was hit--all of the guys are okay, thank the Lord! It's late and I am exhausted, but things here are going well.... I am starting an RCIA program, as well as working several annulments, a convalidation or two, and saying three Masses on a weekend at my FOB, while pushing out to other FOB's during the week. No fear, and total confidence in God and this unit. Miss you guys lots already though. The pace and the newness of it all help keep me distracted. They moved the Lieutenant out of my CHU Friday, so now I have it to myself. Trying now to fix it up and make it comfortable for the guys who come by and want to talk. It's late and I am exhausted. Love you all much!
His unworthy servant and yours,
Fr. Kevin
When evil days are upon us and the worker of malice gains power, we must attend to our own souls and seek to know the ways of the Lord. In those times reverential fear and perseverance will sustain our faith, and we will find need of forbearance and self-restraint as well. Provided that we hold fast to these virtues and look to the Lord, then wisdom, understanding, knowledge and insight will make joyous company with them. --Barnaba

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