Monday, November 17, 2008

rosary in iraq

for those of you who are trying to live a life of solidarity and support for our soldiers in iraq, i've got some news. fr. kevin called me friday! i almost dropped the phone. i actually almost didn't answer it. it was a number that i didn't recognize. of course, i'm so very glad i did. he said he has to call ft. mcpherson and they reroute his call to my house so it's an atlanta area code. the bad news is, it limits the call to 15 minutes. well, actually 15 minutes 7 seconds to be precise.
so, let me sum up the convo. he wanted to call to say he loves me. awwww. so sweet. and he told me he's out in the boonies so there's no telling when he's going to get internet. he said they are in flat dessert and sometimes late at night there is a long convoy of 18 wheelers bringing stuff to our troops. they number about 150 or so. reason being? the old adage, safety in numbers. they are escorted by about 4 to 5 hummers or the army equivalent of a hummer. he also said that they say their rosary at 2:45 EST every day. i'm going to try and make that a part of my daily routine this advent. who's with me?


Sue said...

You know you can count me in! Oooh, that just happens to be around the time I often say mine too...take care!

Momma said...

That is 11:45 my time. We will try to be with you all, in the spirit. We will pray with you at that time.

Christina said...

oh is that am or pm? and then follow it with a divine mercy chaplet. ;)
oh and i missed his call on friday...:( soooo sad. going to try to answer the random numbers next time.

Lisa said...

We will be glad to ! I know God does not take into account 'time' right? So what time are we to do it? 2:45 pm EST???
PS CALL me Liz

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