Tuesday, October 21, 2008

happy birthday mary jane!

she is two today. somethings about mary jane... she loves to go swimming. she loves chips ("bips"). she loves her siblings. she loves buckling buckles. she loves to play soccer. she loves to push her baby in the stroller ("soda?"). she loves to play outside and jump on the trampoline. she loves to cook with mommy. she always wants to hold the baby. she plays with her hair when she's falling asleep. right before she really gets serious about falling asleep she likes to turn her pillow over. she likes to swap her pacifier out for a fresh one. she likes walnuts. she doesn't like egg yolks. she likes dogs and bugs. she likes motorcycles or scooters("soot-ah?"). when she says new words she always says them with a question mark at the end. she loves shoes, especially soccer shoes. she loves climbing up on henry's bunk. she loves horses. she loves to dip things- anything in anything. she loves baths and is starting to love showers.

the one above is may jay less than a week old. i'm thankful the files on the computer are dated...she looks so much like frances i'd have to label them- that is if i ever get around to printing some...

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