Tuesday, August 12, 2008

the wedding

i'm so happy for my baby sister. she really is with someone that finally deserves her. he's such a great guy and she won't be the one pulling him toward holiness. they will both confidently march on together hand in hand.
the wedding was glorious. it was just steaped in the sacred. first of all, their invitation kindly requested that people refrain from wearing strapless, tank tops, and short skirts. this seemed to not have gotten to all, but you could tell that most were making an effort to be modest.
then at every turn the couple were turning to God and asking him to be a part of it. they had a relic of st. faustina tucked between them, they were covered in a mantilla for the consecration, they spent time in prayer with mary. it was just so sacred.
i was the matron of honor and i just feel like i didn't do as much as the rest of the maids. i feel sort of a regret. i think most of us (the sisters) couldn't do much bc we were trying to get our families in line. then during the wedding mass i almost fainted so many times bc i was trying to fix her train and i was bending over all the time- my belly so huge and round was getting in the way. i just kept praying that i wouldn't faint. that would be the worst thing. i would hate to have that be in everyone's memories of her special day. i kept slow and deep breathing and when i stood i was careful not to lock my knees. i really was more nervous about her wedding than i was nervous about my own. so crazy.
all my parents gradkids were in town so my kids had sooooo many people to play with. it was so nice to see everyone. we ended the weekend on such a sleep deprived stupor i couldn't believe school was to start on monday.
the kids did well despite the lack of sleep. this year i'm going to put into practice alot of schedules and rules to keep things running smoothly when the baby is born. i will share more of this later.
if you want to take a look at a few photos of the event... scroll down to "christina and mike"

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