Monday, July 28, 2008

i just typed a long post about how the kids are going back to school in two weeks. henry is nine in one week. i hate school. it is a state built institution to babysit children so the streets are free of hoodlums during the week so parents can make money for the government to tax....yada yada yada.
i hate when i pour out my heart in a post then it gets sucked away into the black hole of the internet. i mean, does it just disappear? will i never see it again?
i am now 32 weeks.
i will be celebrating my 9th anniversary of marriage to chris in a little over a month.
now i will try to post this...if it doesn't work, i'm just going to sigh, get up from the new ikea office chair chris spoiled himself with and trip through the toyroom to the kitchen so i can make some oatmeal.

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